Tuesday, April 6, 2010

God's Plan

(ECCLESIASTES 3:1) - "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
God's plan includes every person's purpose and activities on earth.  The words "season", "time", and "purpose", gives reference to God's divine plan and will regarding each person's life.
You and I must be careful not to miss Gods purpose and will for our lives.  There is no greater purpose of our existing on planet earth than the divine purpose that God has for us and to find that purpose and to walk in and fulfill that purpose in our individual lives.
There is no greater thrill and satisfaction than to know that God has a specific place, time, purpose, and function that He wants us to find and to live out according to His plan and purpose.
You and I are not here by happenstance or accident.  You and I are not someones mistake that somehow slipped by without God's awareness.  God knows our ending from our beginning and He has well orchestrated our lives to fit and to fulfill His purpose.
We all have our season, our time, and our purpose. Finding that season, time, and purpose is not God's responsibility but ours.  But once we find what our season, time and purpose is, God will hold you and I responsible to fulfill them in our lives.
Before you and I were ever born, God had our lives charted out.  He already had our purpose mapped out.  From our first breath until our last breath.

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