Monday, March 29, 2010

Methods of Praise

(Psalms 9:1) - "I will praise Thee, O Lord with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvelous works."
At the heart of every believer's relationship with God is the privilege and responsibility to praise the Lord.
There are many kinds of methods of praising the Lord, and they are all biblical methods, even though some people may have difficulty or feel uncomfortable using some of the methods.
Before we begin to list the different methods of praising God, let's look at the meaning of the word "praise". Praise means to "bless God', to "worship", to "applaud", to "celebrate".
We fulfill the definitions of praise when we come together corporately to worship Him in our churches.  We praise Him with our singing to Him, not only corporately but also in our own private worship.  We can praise the Lord by also sharing with others the wonderful things that God has done in our own lives.  Our testimony to His goodness and faithfulness brings praise to Him.
There is another way that we can praise Him that we often do not consider as praise, but to God there is nothing that blesses Him more than when you and I live lives of spiritual integrity.  Our Godly living brings a daily praise to God.  Jesus reminds us that if we let our light shine, people will see our good works and give glory and praise to God (Matthew 5:16). 
The reasons that we have to praise God are so numerous that it's almost impossible to list them all, but when we begin to count our blessings, there will come out of our being a responce of praise.  God deserves our wholehearted praise.  Take a moment and praise Him.

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