Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do You Really Know Christ?

(Philippians 3:10) - "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death."
In this verse we see the heart and desire of Paul in regards to his relationship with Christ.  Paul did not just want to know about Christ, he wanted to know Him in a very personal way.  Paul sought to know Christ and to know His glorious power over the world and all that is in the world.  Paul's great pursuit in life was to know Christ.
Paul wanted to know the power of Christ's resurrection.  In conquering death, Christ demonstrated that He has the power to conquer any trial or temptation of man, no matter what we may face.
Paul wanted to know the fellowship of Christ's suffering.  Most of us are willing to share in the blessings of Christ but we want nothing to do with the sufferings of Christ.  Paul wanted to share in the purpose for which Christ was suffering.
Paul wanted to be made conformable to His death.  He sought to subject himself totally to Christ and to put his flesh and desires to death and to do only the will and desire of God.  That's why Paul stated in I Corinthians 15:31 - "I die daily".
We, just like Paul ought to have the same desires, not to just know about Christ, but to "know" Him in a personal, intimate way.  We also must put our trust in His ability that if He could raise from the dead, our problem is no problem to Him.  We must not only desire His blessing but also desire to share in the purpose of His suffering.  And, we must be determined that in order to please Him, we must "die daily" just as Paul did.
These are not popular desires but necessary desires!