Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living a Sanctified Life


The promise that God was going to do wonders among His people was conditional.  The condition was that they sanctify themselves.  Sanctification is the process of separating, or the setting apart of something or someone for service unto the Lord.  God will not act on behalf of His people in the most powerful way if they are not inwardly clean and aligned with His will.

If we find ourselves fighting against the will and purpose of God for our lives there is the fact that we will not experience the wonders of God.  A "wonder" is an astounding something that we can and will experience through our obedience to His will.  God desires to move in astounding ways in our lives, but the condition for that to happen is the same as it was for the people that Joshua was talking to - being sanctified.

We can not live like, act like, talk like, think like, and do all the things that worldly and unsaved people do, and walk in the wonders of God.  The wonders and the astounding and astonishing things are only promised to those who are living clean and Godly lives.

Can you imagine the excitement and the anticipation that God's people had that knowing that as a result of living Godly and separated lives, something good was on its way.  The truth is, you and I can have the same excitement and anticipation in knowing that as a result of our living clean and Godly lives - something in the form of a wonder, something astounding and astonishing is on its way.  Brace Yourself - Here it comes!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do You Really Trust God?!?

(Proverbs 3:5) - "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Trusting in the Lord with all of our hearts, is the opposite of doubting God and His Word.

Trusting in the Lord means that at the most difficult times in our lives we can commit whatever we may be facing or experiencing to Him, knowing that he has our best interest at heart.

How often have you and I tried to rationalize and come to a complete understanding in regards to what we are facing or going through.  There are times in our lives that there is no human logical explanation for what we are experiencing.  That's when trusting in the Lord comes into action, knowing that even though we may not know the reason or answer, He does.  We can also take comfort in knowing that God knows.

There is absolutely nothing you and I go through that takes God by surprise.  He saw it coming and knew it was coming a long time before you and I were faced with whatever the problem may be.

Notice we are to trust God "with all our hearts", not part of our hearts, not even 99.9 percent of our hearts, but all of our hearts.  Realistically that at times is easier said than done.  By nature we like to know the end from the beginning, but we have to admit that we just don't understand the reason for our situation.  Rather than relying on our own judgement and explanation, we must pray for God's wisdom and will to be accomplished in our lives through whatever we may be going through without our understanding.

Just remember you may not know, but GOD DOES!